Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Review: Storm cycle by Iris Johansen and Roy Johansen

5 stars
I really enjoy books that Iris and roy write together.there action,drama,technolgy,spy and updated. Not a lot of swearing or sex but well rounded stories.
Dr. Rachel Kirby is in charge of a supercomputer that gets lots of computers together when people arent using them and leads projects one for NSA and other research one for the cure of a dease her sister is dying from. Someone tries to kill Rachel. Someone else was stealing her cycles on computer through backdoors.Tavak is the genius who figured out how and uses her computer to call her when hes trapped in a pryamid with bad guys tring  to kill him. He is trying to find out all the pieces of cell regeneration that a Egyptian Dr. hundreds of years ago had and her followers hid around world. Of course the bads guys want the information anyway they can and are working for a drug company that will loose billion of dollars if they can find the cures she had. Cant put the book down.

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