Saturday, September 17, 2011

Review:Burmese Refugees, letters from the Thai-Burma Border

I had no idea of what happened in Burmeses and other refugee camps. That you have to wait months or years to get food numbers to get help. I am glad they have english lessons and internet. I can't imagine being in prison for 14 years because of a protest or having to flee because someone called me.
I am considered poor from U.S. standing on disabilty and a widow. But in real I am so rich. I have a old house,old beat up car shop at walmart for clothes, buy store brands. but I can buy food,clothes,bedding and even eat out at McDonalds once in a while. My girls are in collage trying to decide what they want to be and what to study. We have so many choices if we want to go we can. If I want to move I can maybe not afford everywhere but can afford more and do more than those refugees can. They dream of job,education and freedom are willing to risk lots for those and endure a lot.
Too bad that the math teacher can't teach math in refugee camp or doctor can't doctor. But they are inspireing letters and take their homework and do the best they can and know education and freedom can change their lives and maybe better for their homeland.
I was lucky to be given this ebook for free in exchange for review. Does open my eyes and heart to those refugees around the world.

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