Monday, February 6, 2012

Honey Badger Don't Care by Randall

Pictures 5 STARS
language 1 STAR
Educational 4 STARS
I have never seen or heard about the ytube video so I was just thinking oh cute animal book. Yes it has great pictures and most of the animals I did not know anything about even that existed. Boy was I shocked at all the swearing.
I would not recommend for kids who can read. I don't even want my 21 & 22 year old to read it. Hardly swear and try not to.  So if you don't mind swearing all the time this book is for you.
The animals that it covers are the Honey Badger, the Aye-Aye, Tasmanian Devil, the Emperor Tamarin, Pink Fairy Armadello,The Tarsier, Opossum, Solenodon, Wombat, American Bullfrog, Sloth.
All of them are having to struggle to survive and their habat is disappearing and I know we need to care and protect wildlife. This book can reach some people with its humor and foul langage. I would love to see them all in person but I know thats impossible even with zoos.
I was given this ebook to read in exchange for honest review from Netgalley.
01/24/2012 PUB Andrews McMeel Publishing

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