Friday, March 16, 2012

Review: Ill Will by J.M. Redmann

This is a book I wouldn't have picked up to read, because its out of my comfort
zone. I liked it but it did have a lot of swearing in it. No sex scenes in it.
PI Micky Knight works in New Orleans and has been really busy since Katrina. Her partner Cordelia is a doctor who is taking over for a doctor on leave.
Cordelia mentions to the other doctors who are discussing some patients that have not hat medical follow ups and were canceled when different people where fired. So the Doctors ask Micky two find the patients and let them know to come in because they were not answering their phones.
Another case Micky is working on is to find out if these certain over the counter her herbs are for real or are they conning someone elderly relatives.
Someone wants Micky off a case and plans to beat and rape her to make her drop the case. Micky is tougher than she looks and hurt him instead so she got away.
The story is good and kept my attention in it. I cared about Cordelia and Micky. Their were a lot of gay and lesbian characters but they seemed real and were tastely done so it was just part of the story. Never got uncomfortable for my taste except for swearing.
I learned a lot about how life has changed for everyone living in New Orleans, things I would not have thought of. Like having farther to drive to grocery store. The stress of not being able to help save lives or waiting to see if the ones you love made it to safety.
I would read more about Micky in the future.
I was given this book to read in exchange of honest review from Sandy Lowe via Netgalley.
04/16/2012 PUB Bold Stroke Books

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