Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Review: Gypped by Carol Higgins Clark

I really like Regan Reilly P.I. who married Jack Reilly no relation except by now being married.
Jack is a police Detective in New York where they now live. He is in LA for a conference. Regan had lived for years in L.A. but moved back to New York after they got married. Regan wants to show Jack some places and meet some of her friends after his conference is over.
Regan out shopping while Jack is busy with the conference runs into an old friend she made while they were on a game show together. They both lost.
Her friend tells her that she was now rich a neighbor who lived in her apartment that she sometimes walked her dog when she was sick left her to her surprise 8 million dollars.
Regan was invited to a party she was having this evening in a rundown mansion she bid on a charity auction and won for a week. After the party she asks Regan to help her find out about her father's new wife when she finds out they eloped.
Before Regan finds out much her friend gets really sick so she stays the night to keep watch and help her.
Earlier in the day Regan saw a suspious guy trying to get into multiple cars and reports it to security at the mall. She doesn't realized that she is followed to her hotel or the party.
I liked the story it was not her best but it was good. She usually comes out in the spring with her books. I read some of others reviews until then I did not realize that Gypped was a racist title until it was pointed out. Maybe they did not realize or think of it in that context either. Sorry some people got hurt I will try not to use it now that I know.
04/03/2012 PUB Scribner

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