Sunday, June 10, 2012
Review: Hunters Prize by Marcia Gruver.
4 STARS story starts 1904
It made for a nice sunday read. It was also a clean read, no sex scenes or swearing. Just an old fashion love story.
The characters were loveable especially Ceddy.
Cedric Whitfield a little boy who became an orphen in South Africa. He has a disorder that today would probably autism. He does not talk, let people touch him. Has fits but loves rocks and really knows them. When Ceddy finally gets on board a boat to take him to Texas. Thier escort Denny Currie & Charlie Pickering 2 rough guys find that the glass was cut and they realize that one of his rocks is a big diamond. So they hurry to follow him to Texas because they want his diamond.
Addie McRae decides she wants to take the job in Texas she hears about and her mother escorts her to meet the family.
Pearson Foster from Galveston, Texas is teasure hunter he has been looking for Jean Lafitte buried treasure with no luck.
His good Theodoro benardi goes with him. He hears of a sunken zhip the Mittie Stephens that was full and had lots of gold
for payroll but it caught on fire. everyone died about 20 feet from shore. Marshall. Tx. in 36 years no one has found her. So they decide to see if they can find her.
Miss Whitfield has never married. She agreed to take care of Ceddy if anything happened to his parents.
Mariah McRae and her daughter Addie traveled from Camton, Mississippi and when they got to Marshall Texas off the Train
with their luggage two men offer to carry thier luggage. Which were Pearson and Theodore they joined them for lunch and
then helped them to get to Miss Whitfield's house.
Preston wrote to Mrs. McRae when he went to visit them and found she had already left for home. They had enjoyed each other
When Addie heard that he had come to visit her mother and then wrote a letter to her got the impression that he had fallen
for her mother. She was not happy at that idea.
Theodore convinced Preston to go to church with him. Preston has been mad at God for five years since he lost all his family
in a hurricane. Durning church his heart softened. The Preacher touch his heart and welcomed him.
After church they found Ceddy hiding under his bed and he had bruises on his arm like fingers and a cut under his chin and very frightened.
Miss Whitfield was afraid the Preston might be the one to hurt him. Thier was a lot of rushing to judgement against Preston
from people around the town. Somethings were stolen and they were the new ones around town.
The story moved along at a good pace and I did not put the book down till I was finshed. I believe this is the 3 book in the
series but the only one that I have read. I would not mind reading the others sometime in the future.
I was given this ebook to read in exchange of honest review from Netgalley.
07/01/2012 PUB Barbour Publishing, Inc.
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