Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Review: The Wrangler by Lindsay McKenna

I enjoyed reading the Wrangler.  Had strong characters, western romance and bad guys.
Griff McPherson has moved back to Wyoming after living in New York since he was 6 years old.  His parents died and his uncles split up Griff and his twin Slade. Slade was raised on the family ranch while Griff was raised in the city with money.
Griff lost all his millions in the stock market problems and decided to come home to the ranch now that he was broke. When Slade years ago had asked Griff for a loan to help get the ranch out of trouble he said no. Griff feels bad about that now and realized the pride he had than.
Val Hunter was back home in Wyoming where she did not want to be.  Her grandmother had health problems and asked her to help with the ranch.  Her father Buck was abuser he beat Val and her mom. Now both are dead and her grandmother owns the ranch. Val got out of the intelligence business in the airforce on family hardship discharge.
Gus had sold her ranch when her husband died and moved in with them on the ranch to stop Buck from abusing them when she found out what he had done to them. Gus wants to get the ranch fixed up and then turn it over to Val when she is ready for it. Buck had let it get so run down.
Griff is recommended to them as a hard worker. He does not have all the skills to be a wrangler but he is a fast learner and hard worker. They are only paying him min. but he gets room and board included. Plus he found that he really likes being back in Wyoming and working with his hands. He has a MBA from Harvard which also helps get the ranch on track.
Griff is working hard to make amends to his brother. Plus he feels guilty with the part he had in the econimic hard times.
I always enjoy reading Lindsay McKenna stories and will read more in  the future.  I was given this ebook to read in exchange of honest review from Netgalley.
06/19/2012 PUB HarlequinHQN

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