Thursday, August 2, 2012

Return to Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs

4 STARS Sonnet Romano came back to her small town Willow Lake for a wedding of her step sister. She saw her best friend Zach Alger since kindergarden and was surprised at how much he had changed. They had drunk champaign and ended up hooking up that night. Zach had the video camera on and it got filmed he threw the memory chip in the lake. As they were leaving that next morning at the lake they were caught by one of her mom's old boyfriend who was also supporting the guy running for Senator opposite against her father the General. While she was in collage she was starting to have a relationship with her father General Laurence Jeffries he was at West Point when he got her mom pregnant as a teenager. He did not find out about Sonnet till after he graduated and he always sent support but was never really thier for her. Now he was running for Senator, introduced her to her new boyfriend that is running his campaign. Sonnet has just won a fellowship and probably get a 2 year overseas assignment. Everything is going great for her. Then she finds out her mom is pregnant and has cancer. Sonnet refuses the fellowship and returns home to help her mom. Zach is excited his big break in his career has come up working on a realaty show he can't wait to hear were he will be going. Finally he can leave town and see different places. He is also videoing Sonnet's mom pregnacy and her talking in case she does not survive her cancer and won't be thier for her sons life. Zach finds out the place he gets to go work on the realty show is Willow Lake and Sonnet is working on it too. Zach tried to reach her after that night but Sonnet was not wanting anything more to do with him. They have always been each others support. The person they called to share the good news with. This was cute and sappy. Emotional surprises. Somethings you could predict and others I had no idea about. Though it is hard to belive that a guy working with video cameras made the mistakes he made with it. I liked the kids at the summer camp. Jezebel was a character I would love to see her get her own story one day. I will read more books by Susan Wiggs in the future. I want to read more in her Willow Lake series. I was given this ebook to read in exchange of honest review from Netgalley. 08/28/2012 PUB Harlequin Imprint HarlequinMIRA

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