Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Death on Dartmoore by Dara England

Death on Dartmoor is An American Heiress Mystery.
The ebook copy I have as Dartmoore in title but on Amazon they have it spelled Dartmoor.
Death on Dartmoore has a old fashioned mystery feeling to the novel. It was a quick, fun read. Also it was a very clean read.
Millicent Wright is a Heiress from America, who with her mother came over to see again how Sir Oliver Longbourne would be for a husband. Her mother wanted her to be married to a man with a title. Sir Oliver needed money.
But all is not what it seems to be they are expecting. First Sir Oliver does not come himself to meet them. Then others are gossiping about him that he is a gambler, close with a nieghbor who is staying thier. His sister does not say nice things about him.
That night he is murdered.
Thier are plenty of suspects, and motives. Millicent can't help noticing details and wanting to investigate.
Detective Lockwood would rather that she stay out of his way and let him to his job. They also make the guests all stay till the investigation is over. Not to talk to each other about the case.
Millicent does what she wants and keeps pointing out different things to different people. Then her life is in danger.
The story keeps your attention. I did not guess corectly who the murder was but I did guess something else that did happen in the story. I liked it and would like to read more of her mysteries in the future.
Was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review in exchange by the Author on Librarythings.
11/07/2012 PUB File Size: 639 KB

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