Monday, July 15, 2013

Review: Secrets of a Mayan Moon (An Isabella Mumphrey Adventure) by Paty Jager


I hope this is along series of books. The ending opens it up perfectly. Can't wait for the next adventure of Isabella Mumphrey.
Secrets of a Mayan Moon keeps your attention. Never sure what will happen next to Isaella. Will she be a woman in distress or kick butt.
The plot has lots of twists and turns that you don't expect and some you do figure out. It combines a heroine who is a genius but naïve. Who is not used to taking care of herself out of the U.S. Too being afraid to go anywhere without her vest. Too welding a big strong knife.

Tino Kosta is a DEA Agent that is undercover as the guide to take Isabella out to the Mayan dig she is to help translate tablet.
He is attracted to Isabella right away and plans to worry only about his job gets side tract.

Isabella gets off the plane and gets robbed right in the airport. The thief wants her to give him her box that holds her vest and filled with everything she needs to survive in emergency. The thief has a big knife and threatens her. She accidently knocks her box and the knife to the ground. The box opens and instead of her vest it has been switched full of passports. The thief grabs the box and takes off leaving the knife. Isabella picks up the knife.

Right of way the action starts and doesn't let up. Their is a lot going on at the dig and she is not sure who to trust. Who switched her box? Why are their drug runners up around the dig. Why does Tino talk one way and then another way when its just the two of them in perfect English. Why did her mentor bring her down to help translate the Mayan tablets?

I like Isabella and it was fun to read her adventure. It was fun to see all the ways she used her vest and all her supplies.
I was given this ebook and in exchange was asked to give honest review of it by Netgalley.

Published March 27th 2013 by Windtree Press 272 page ISBN; 0983594376

Description below taken off of Netgalley.
Child prodigy and now Doctor of Anthropology, Isabella Mumphrey, is about to lose her job at the university. In the world of publish or perish, her mentor’s request for her assistance on a dig is just the opportunity she’s been seeking. If she can decipher an ancient stone table—and she can—she’ll keep her department. She heads to Guatemala, but drug trafficking bad guys, artifact thieves, and her infatuation for her handsome guide wreak havoc on her scholarly intentions.

DEA agent Tino Kosta, is out to avenge the deaths of his family. He’s deep undercover as a jaguar tracker and sometimes jungle guide, but the appearance of a beautiful, brainy anthropologist heats his Latin blood taking him on a dangerous detour that could leave them both casualties of the jungle.

This title won the Readers Choice Award in June 2013 at RomCon.

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