Friday, March 28, 2014

Hidden Falls: When Memory Came - Episode 11 by Olivia Newport


So many things feel out of control. . . .When Lauren’s health takes a downturn, Sylvia has to trust her niece to Ethan’s skill and ultimately God’s care. And despite her aching, anxious heart, she’s reminded to trust God for Quinn as well. Liam finally lets go of what he can’t control and decides to find peace in trusting his brother with the truth—whatever the outcome. After finding the man she’s sure is responsible for the recent crimes in Hidden Falls, Dani itches to take matters into her own hands—but she forces herself to wait for Cooper and the law to deliver justice. Meanwhile, she joins Nicole at the historical society to look for clues that might lead them to Quinn. After performing emergency surgery on Lauren, Ethan must make a decision about his family history, one that Jack finds very disappointing. At the end of a stressful day, realizing his future is unsure, Ethan escapes to hike and photograph the falls—never expecting to capture the shocking image that turns up on his camera. . . .
ISBN-13: 9781628369359
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Incorporated
Publication date: 3/28/2014
Series: Hidden Falls , #11
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Edition description: Digital Original
Pages: 80

My Review:Hidden Falls: When Memory Came by Olivia Newport


This is a real good episode. Receive some answers, some good news, more good cliffhangers and good characters that you want to find more out about them, plus a clean read makes for a good story.

It starts with Ethan getting the okay to do surgery on Lauren's brain. It also ends with Ethan and another cliffhanger. I really like Ethan.

Some of the answers are to who is doing some of the crime around town. What set off Quinn's search of records? How is Lauren's health and a few other answers too.

Some of the questions that are brought up in this episode are. Why was Quinn's car stolen? What will Ethan tell Nicole about his job? Who is Quinn with in the picture of him? What will Jack do?

I really like how everyone wants to pray for Lauren before surgery and include Ethan too. Ethan even though he does not believe prayer works.

There is some light humor in this episode too. Especially around Lauren's room.

I am glad that more answers and longer episode was part of episode 11. It is hard to believe that there are only two more episodes to go with this story. I will read them.

I was given this ebook to read and in return promise to give honest review of it.

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