Thursday, March 6, 2014

Melting the Ice Queen's Heart by Amy Ruttan


It started with a kiss…

Having left his humanitarian posting in Africa to raise his two orphaned nieces in San Francisco, Dr. Gavin Brice has enough on his plate without an inconvenient attraction to his new boss! The frosty Dr. Virginia Potter clearly disapproves of his maverick ways - but with one amazing kiss, the ice begins to thaw
File Size: 302 KB
Print Length: 170 pages
Publisher: Harlequin Medical Romances (February 1, 2014)

My Review: Melting the Ice Queen's Heart


This is a good short read. Lots of drama, cute kids that steal your heart, characters that I liked. There is one love scene that I skipped over. It also had a character that I wanted to shout out at.

At first Dr. Gavin Brice character I did not like. The more I got to know him and his background the more I liked him. He is a emergency doctor that does not care what others think of him. He wants to save lives not play politics. He does not want to be working in San Fracisco at a hospital.

Dr. Virginia Potter is called the ice queen. She is youngest Dr. in charge of hospital. She works hard to save her hospital and keep its doors open. Her job is all she cares about. The more we see her the more I liked her.

Both Gavin and Virginia are really affected by their childhood to live the life different than they were brought up in.

Lily is 8 years old. She is sweet. Lily acts so grown up at times.
Rose is only 4 years old. She has not spoken since her mom died. She does communicate though.

The hospital board wants to shut down the emergency room of the hospital. Dr. Potter is doing everything to keep it going strong. She can't tell anyone how close they are to closing. She tries to have a fundraiser to help keep it.
On her day off she is down at pier and runs into Dr. Gavin Brice and his two nieces. No one at hospital knows he is raising them. Lily and Rose really take to her.

I was rooting for everyone. I really enjoyed Lily and Rose.

I was given this ebook to read and in return agreed to give honest review from Netgalley and Harlequin

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