My Review
Living Your Covenants Everyday is not a book to sit down and just read right through it. It is one that you could spend a whole lot of time studying it and keep learning from it. It is full of wisdom from the scriptures, Prophets and other General Authorities. It has homework assignments in each chapter. Plus other reference books to study more on that topic. It is to help you achieve more and find your answers that you are seeking.
No one can accomplish all the homework assignments at once. Most of it is a process to help you find your own answers. She uses examples from her life, from scriptures and talks. I admit to just reading the book and not doing the homework right now. But I am working on some of it.
One thing I am trying to work on is going to bed early and waking up early. How many times and places have we been told that? I am more of an night owl. So I am trying it. Not perfect at it but getting better and actually getting more things done. Right now can't even remember what chapter that principle was in.
I lot of the homework is keeping a journal of what you experience and recognize what you are feeling or doing. What you are learning what truth are you finding.
Lots of preparing for General Conference so you can grow more and learn what you need. It is teaching us to find the best ways to help ourselves. Millions watch conference. Each person listens to a talk and takes what they need to hear. I never prepare for conference before I hope I can do so next Sept.
One chapter 2 Ritualizing Your Routine: Living What We Believe is the title. The scripture quote is "Pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice 2 Nephi 9:52
Then the chapter is full of everyday things we might be doing and why breaking it down. The homework is consider the following questions about your time management.
What does your typical day looks like? How does my time reflect my values? or does it? What do I believe is the Lord's will for me and my life right now? What are my goals in achieving His will for me? What in my life distracts from achieving my goals to fulfill the Lord's will for me?
Then it gives you some extra reading on these topics if you want to look into it more.
This book is not meant to be passively read. It is to be read, think about it and do to reach to be a better person and get closer to our Savior.
I know I want to go back and take my time reading and learning more to help me be a better me and closer to my Savior.
I was given this book to read and in return asked to give honest review of it and post on their blog tour.
Deseret Book Publisher 2013 144 pages

Living Your Covenants Every Day
The little things we do on a daily basis don’t just matter—they can make all the difference. Intentional daily acts focused on covenant-keeping will bind us to the Savior as we are deliber- ate and determined to follow Him in small and simple ways. Drawing upon the teachings and lives of ancient and modern prophets, author Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt identifies patterns of truth that encourage increased commitment to covenant relationships while diminishing the binding grip of the adversary. Included are chapters on the need to be consistent in covenant- keeping, on recognizing Satan’s tactics and lies, on undoing self-destructive routines, on the role of the Spirit to help us both feel and follow promptings, and on the power of daily scripture study and prayer in establishing habits that reinforce and sup- port our commitment to the Savior.

Author Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt
Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt is currently an assistant visiting faculty member at Brigham Young University and a recent addition to Deseret Book’s Time Out for Women events. A former seminary and institute instructor, she earned a PhD from Arizona State University in lifespan developmental psychology, focusing on women and social issues. She is married to Jed Platt, and the couple lives in Pleasant Grove, Utah
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Awesome give away!
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