My Review
I am always surprised at myself for picking what ebook to read based on cover. I have tons of ebooks to read on my kindle but this cover drew my eye since I received it yesterday. Covers that are bland or no picture I have harder time choosing, even if I like the author better.
Greystone Valley as lots of different characters. Some human and most from a different land that has magic, dragons, wizards, warriors, fey, trolls and Evil man who wants to conquer worlds not just where he is or the place he is from. It is full of action, drama, heroes, magic and accidents.
Sarah is the main character. She is twelve. She wants to live in her room reading books. She does not want to face reality. Her mom is worried about her and is trying to get her to face the world.
One morning Sarah wakes up to a boy about her age yelling at her to get out of his room. He is wearing a big purple robe and a pointed hat carrying a big book. He threatens her and turns himself into a frog.
Kay is a sorcerer who has lots of problems reading his book of magic. He is being chased by bad guys wanting his magic book. Sarah follows him when he runs from the villagers who are going to turn him in. She thinks she is dreaming till she is hurt.
Kay and Sarah are on the run and meet some others who are willing to help them.
Baelan is a warlord and comes from a different world. He has conquered some of Greystone and wants to get into the Greystone castle. It is supposed to open doors to lots of different worlds. He wants to go and conquer more worlds. But the door is sealed and can only be open with magic. He believes Kay with his book of magic can be forced to help him.
Aries is a general and helps Baelan he is half human and half horse. He is mean, big and tough. He is leading an army to capture Kay and now Sarah. He evens has captured dragons working for him.
Every time Kay reads a magic spell it does not work like he thinks it should. Sarah has a easier time reading his magic book than Kay does. Kay has been learning from his father but now he all alone. Kay really can't read the book but she knows what the spells are for and how to pronounce the foreign words.
They go from one problem to the next and make friends and enemies all along the way. It is a fun adventure fantasy book. It is a clean book. I look forward to reading more from Charlie Brooks in the future.
I was given this ebook to read as part of Librarything Early Reviewers program. Asked to give honest review of it in exchange.
Publication date: 4/15/2013 Publisher: Grey Gecko Press ISBN-13: 9781938821332 166 pages
Description below taken off of Barnes & Noble.
Greystone Valley is a land of wizards, dragons, and warriors... and one young girl who ends up there quite by accident when her idle wish is granted.
Sarah discovers that not everything in the valley is as magic as she might've wished - especially the nearly illiterate wizard, the mouse-sized dragon, and the warrior who can't stand the sight of blood. Being hunted isn't helping, either. Will Sarah survive this new life of hers, and can she make it home?
And, more importantly, will she ever be the same again?
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