This sequel to Middle School Magic: The Kindling
Love it! Just don't ask me to pronounce the title right. I hate my memory I used to remember most of the stories I had read. Took me a little bit to remember the Kindling. If I had remembered right off I would have read this the day I received it.
It is a magical book. At different times I was thinking this one character was a spoiled brat and needed to grow up. Then I remember she is only thirteen. Okay I was lost in the story. I will even admit to shedding tears for a bit. These characters made me care about them, worry about them, yell at them. It also left me wanting more answers. I would start the next book in the series right away if it was out.
It is quick to grab your attention right away. Full of battles between light and darkness. Lots of drama and teenage feelings.
It starts with the four friends on a school field trip. Connor and Pilaf are roommates. Connor sees something in his room. He tries calling Lexa his twin with his mind. Then he tries calling out to Melanie, but they are both out. He can't tell Pilaf what he saw. Pilaf can't know of their world changing since they Kindled. So he makes up a game and shows Pilaf a wolf shadow with his flashlight.
Then the wolf jumps off the wall and starts chasing him.
After that it really starts taking off and does not slow down much at all.
Connor is thirteen. He was captured last year and put in a Shadow box. He saw himself do terrible things and was told he was turning into a darkhand. Now he hears shadows talking to him. They want him to fully join the darkhands. He is in a fight most of the book. He does not tell anyone what all he suffered. His special gifts are speed and strength.
Lexa his twin kindled at the same time. She is used to being the star in school plays. She is always full of drama. She feels what others feel like sometimes. Her best friend is Melanie.
Melanie likes Conner but has hidden it till lately. Her parents don't really like her learning magi but have let her since her little sister was kidnapped. She makes others powers stronger. It is a rare gift.
Pilaf is Connor's good friend. Connor was protecting him when his powers first kindled. All of a sudden now he finds he can hear Connor speaking to others in his mind. He also sees auras. He can see light around those who use the light and darkness around those that use dark power. So Connor now has permission to share his knowledge with him.
It is probably aimed at middle school readers. I really enjoyed reading it. I think fans of Harry Potter, Ranger Apprentice, Percy Jackson will enjoy this series too.
It is a clean read that anyone can enjoy but might need some tissues for a bit.
I was given this ebook to read and asked in return to give honest review of it by Netgalley.
07/09/2013 PUB Cedar Fort Inc Imprint Sweetwater Books 304 pages ISBN:146211220X
Description below taken off of Goodreads.
Conner, Lexa, and Melanie are back! Just when they think life is normal again, a dangerous shadow creature begins to hunt them. The trio must develop their powers in order to conquer this new peril and protect their school. Filled with action and even more magic, this book continues the exciting adventure in the Middle School Magic series.
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