I love the cover of this book. I was not sure what the US Life Savers Service was that Primmy wanted to join. Boy life was different in the 1913's. This is a charming look at life on a Whisper Island for 12 year old girl. Primmy has goals to save lives and work as a US Life Savers Service like the rest of her family does. She is always told that girls can't do that.
I like the characters. Primmy is 12 and lives with her two older brothers and her father. Her mother left her and her two half brothers. Every once in a while Primmy receives postcard from her mother.
Whisper Island is a small island and everyone knows everyone's business. Most in a caring way.
Primmy hangs out with two boys around her age when she is not cooking, cleaning for her family. She does get in lots of trouble with not finishing tasks first.
Primmy finds ways to help even when everyone tells her she can't do something because its too hard she is only a girl. She remembers first aid that her father and mama Lu have taught her.
Her mother sends her first letter to Primmy and wants her to take the mail boat over and stay with her at a hotel. Primmy really does remember her and wonders why she left her. She is excited that her mom wants to meet her for her birthday.
I did not want to put the book down. The book takes place in just one season. It is a fast read.
It is a clean book and is geared for middle school age but is a book all ages can enjoy. It shows Primmy learning lessons about what qualities she wants to have and not have.
I was given this book to read and asked in return to give honest review of it by Netgalley.
Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc. Sweetwater (July 9, 2013) 240 pages ISBN-13: 978-1462111671
Description below taken off of amazon.
It's 1913, and 12-year-old Primmy's greatest wish is to join the US Life Savers Service. But there's only one problem---girls aren't allowed. Receiving little encouragement from family and friends, Primmy does everything she can to change their minds and make her dream come true. You'll be rooting for Primmy every step of the way in this charming coming-of-age story!
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