The Hidden Deep is book 2 in The Threshold series.
This is a series that leaves you wanting to read the next book now. Which was okay yesterday when I read The Blue Door because I could start the Hidden Deep. Now I want to read The First Snow and I don't know when it will come out.
I like the angels in the book. The different kind and different personalities. It would bring me smiles if I had a angel playing with my pony tale. Prissie is in a bad mood when she gets to hangout with the tiny angel. No one else can see the angels at least most of them.
No one knows why Prissie is able to see and hangout with the angels. She is surprised when she finds out who is another angel is disguise as a teenager. The ending mystery was revealed and it was something I figured out real early in the story.
Prissie still is bothered by Ransome working with her father. She does not trust him or like him. She keeps treating him wrongly and it causes more problems. Her best friends are still choosing to hangout with the new girl over hangingout with her.
Koji and Prissie have all the same classes and are always together or most of the time. Still no one else in her family know Koji is really a angel. They do notice that he is different than other teenagers.
Prissie meets more angels and they come out to the farm to hangout. The angels are still looking for the missing angel. They are still fighting demons.
This has lots of action,drama,teenager problems,angels and life lessons. I liked it and plan to read more of Christa J. Kinde in the future.
I was given this ebook to read and asked to give honest review of it when I finsh by Netgalley.
Description below taken off of Netgalley.
Homework, football, apple pies, and ... angels? Harvest time is in full swing when Prissie Pomeroy learns that something terrible happened in her family's orchard---making it hard to focus on school, especially when her best friends are distant and Ransom won't leave her alone. As she meets other angels. Prissie is drawn increasingly deeper into their world and closer to its dangers. A kidnapped apprentice suffers. A chained door bodes ill. A tiny angel makes a big difference. A battle line is drawn. Everything Prissie thought she knew is about to change ... again! 'He was trembling, which frightened Prissie even more than the pitch black. Crouching down, she made herself as small as possible against the tunnel wall. From somewhere in the darkness ahead came a sour note, off-key and unpleasant. She held her breath, listening with all her might. A dull clink was followed by a crunching sound that reminded Prissie uneasily of a barn cat eating a mouse. She cupped her hand around her little passenger and curled more tightly, hiding her face on her knees as her heart sent up a silent plea for help.' -from The Hidden Deep Praise for The Blue Door A fantasy with a wholesome message and down-on-the-farm twist. -Kirkus
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