Mary. Elisabeth. Martha. Lydia.
Some we know by name. Some we know only by their legacy of faith.
The scriptures tell us of the many men who figured prominently in the Savior's life. Alongside the Apostles were also numerous valiant and virtuous women who worked and worshipped, petitioned and prayed. Discover their stories in this unique and uplifting book. Inside you'll find:
-Historical background information on the more than seventy women mentioned in the New Testament
-Beautiful artwork depicting the lives and values of these women of faith
-Charts and study tools to help you learn more
-Stunning photography that will take you back to the early days of the Savior's Church
Filled with stories that will inspire you in your own efforts to follow the Savior, this unique book is sure to become a treasure in your home for years to come.
Hardcover: 304 pages
Publisher: Cedar Fort Publishing & Media (November 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1462114210
ISBN-13: 978-1462114214
About the author:
Heather Farrell’s love for the scriptures began young, when at the age of 11 she hid a flashlight under her pillow so she could read the Old Testament late at night. Her love for the women in scriptures began when, her oldest son was born around Christmas time and she felt a kinship with Mary, the mother of Jesus. As she began to research Mary she realized that there were hundreds of women in the scriptures, but very little had been written about them. Excited by all the women she discovered, she began sharing what she learned on her popular blog, Women in the Scriptures (womeninthescriptures.com). Primarily self-taught in the scriptures, Heather is a testament to the truth that becoming a scholar of the gospel is not beyond anyone’s reach, it just takes a inquisitive mind and the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Heather grew up in Idaho but currently lives in Boone, Iowa with her husband, four children, two sheep, a goat and a flock of chickens.
My review: Walking with the Women of the New Testament’ by Heather Farrell
First of all this book is the best quality of books I have seen in along time. The cover is beautiful. The art work is beautiful and graceful. The paper is quality. With so many cheap books out there this is not one of those. I was definitely impressed even before I started to read it.
This is a book to savor. I did not want to rush it. each woman had a picture. Each has the scripture. Not everyone had her own name like Paul's sister, widow with two mites. each is looked at with detail, things from history or Jewish traditions or what was going on at the time. It is fascinating to read. each page has so much information on it.
This is a book I would love to have out on a coffee table if I had one. It is a book that can be read every day and find something to learn about these women and their examples that I did not know and want to.
Mary has the most pages about her most have one or two pages. My favorite keeps changing when I read another woman's story.
We see the teaching, the healing, by Jesus through these women. We see those that are following him and learning from him.
This is a book that is impressive, beautiful in every way. The art done by Mandy Jane Williams is so good I would love to have them all up on the walls. They make the women so peaceful, graceful, loved and beautiful. They make me want to know more about these special ladies.
I was given this book so that I could give a honest review of it and be part of Walking with the Women of the New Testament blog tour.
Walking with the Women of the New Testament” blog tour schedule:
November 16: My Book Addiction and More
November 17: Techie Chic
November 18: Creative Itch • Real Intent
November 19: The Little Blog of Awesome
November 20: Readalot
November 21: Pearls of Great Worth
November 22: Birth Faith • Chicken Scratch n’ Sniff • Lisa Marie Johnson
November 23: Team Hoopes
November 24: Mel’s Shelves
November 25: The Small Seed • The View From My Window • Remembering Women
November 26: Literary Timeout
November 27: Cranial Hiccups • Eternal Principles Simplified
November 28: A Casual Reader’s Blog
November 29: The Secret Life of Michelle
November 30: Poodle Writes • Our Busy Homeschool • Still Parenting • Neylan McBaine
Birds of Ashmae • Well-Behaved Mormon Woman • The Exponent • Bless This Mess Please
A Lively Hope • Segullah
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