TOUR DATES: November 10-14, 2014
TITLE: Celebrating A Christ-Centered Christmas
AUTHOR: Emily Belle Freeman
Page Count: 96 pages
Genre: Seasonal Inspiration
Format: Paperback
RELEASE DATE: September 30, 2014
This year as you prepare your home for the holidays, resolve to prepare your heart with seven traditions that will lead you closer to Christ. Discover the meaning behind seven gifts of Christmas, each celebrated with an invitation from the scriptures and a simple tradition.
• Each gift is based on a figure in a Nativity set
• The traditions are simple and can be combined with things you already do
• The order of the traditions and the length of time between
each is left completely to your inspiration
• The traditions are appropriate for any age and families of any size
About the Author:
Emily Belle Freeman is a coach’s wife, mother to four children and a few others who have found refuge in her home,
and sought-after inspirational speaker. She finds great joy in studying the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Her deep love of
the scriptures comes from a desire to find their application in everyday life. For a few minutes every day Emily forgets about
the laundry, leaves the dishes in the sink, and writes. She is the coauthor of The Peter Potential: Discover the Life You Were
Meant to Live and coauthors a blog that is a stopping place for hearts seeking all that is good: www.multiplygoodness.com.
My review: Celebrating A Christ-Centered Christmas
I think this is my favorite Christmas book that I have read this year. I wish I had read this book years ago when my children were still at home. It is full of ideas to draw you closer to Christ. I know I plan to do some of these ideas this Christmas.
She has broken down the figure of the Nativity set into seven weeks and each week you draw your family together and learn, share about each figure. What quality and talents each figure means.
If you only buy one Christmas book each year get Celebrating A Christ-Centered Christmas.
I plan to reread each chapter and savor it as I think about what the holiday is all about.
The figure of Joseph in that chapter talks about him trying to find shelter for Mary to provide for her. It had a sweet story of giving a gift of service. About the sounds of bells reminding us to give and share what we can. I have a couple of ideas that I want to figure out to do that I got while reading this story A Gift From the Heart by Norman Vincent Peale.
So many people I want to give to don't need anything I can afford to give. But giving something in their name to somebody who really can use what I can make is doable. Or giving bells for pockets to remind us to give service to those in need. Not sure what I am going to end up. I need to ponder some more like Mary does.
I want to share this book with my family and friends. We all can focus a little more on Christ this Christmas season.
I would like to read more books from Emily Belle Freeman especially if it brings a feeling of joy and peace.
I was given this book so I could give a honest review and be part of Celebrating A Christ-Centered Christmas blog tour.
11/10/14 – Brooklyn Berry Designs
11/10/14 – Sarah J. Clift “I know my family will enjoy this journey.”—Sarah J. Clift
11/10/14 – Family Literacy 2
11/10/14 – Kaisy Daisy’s Corner “This will be something I will be starting as new tradition.”—Kaisy Daisy’s Corner
11/10/14 – Julie Coulter Bellon “Simple and sweet and meaningful.”—Julie Coulter Bellon
11/10/14 – Marie Leslie “A welcome addition to any Christmas library.”—Marie Leslie
11/10/14 – Snogging on Sunday “A beautiful remembrance of the true meaning of Christmas.”—Snogging On Sunday
11/11/14 – Simplistically Sassy
11/11/14 - The Real Housewives of Riverton “An easy read filled with uplifting ideas.”—House Wives of Riverton
11/11/14 – Someone in Mind “A great resource to help . . . make this your most meaningful Christmas ever!”—Someone In Mind
11/11/14 – Swinging on Small Hinges “I cannot wait to do this with my family this year!”—Swinging on Small Hinges
11/11/14 – I am a Reader “The activities are simple and things that could easily be done or adapted to work in most families.”—I am A Reader
11/12/14 – Galanapalooza
11/12/14 – We Like to Learn as We Go
11/12/14 – Shelli Proffitt Howells
11/12/14 – Min Reads and Reviews “Heart-felt stories and ideas.”—Min Reads and Reviews
11/12/14 – Fire and Ice Reads “A new way to teach our children and prepare them for a holiday.”—Fire and Ice Reads
11/13/14 – Chocolate on my Cranium
11/13/14 – Readalot
11/13/14 – Prepared Housewives
11/13/14 – Lisa Book Worm
11/13/14 – Cindy C. Bennett
11/14/14 – Karey White
11/14/14 – Books are Sanity
11/14/14 – Fearlessly Creative Mommas
11/14/14 – Bonnie Harris
11/?/14 – Design Dazzle
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